Gene Chalfant

🟢 Robotic autonomy engineer and AI research and development
🟢 President of Skystone Group, a nexus for innovation
🟢 Former NASA/JPL researcher, CTO of i2020 FinTech
🟢 Degreed in computer science/AI and business administration
🟢 Certified in civil engineering, green building, piloting, music...
🟢 Experienced in mobile/web dev, digital finance, LLMs, space applications ...

I'm incredibly fortunate to have been at the center of some of the greatest accomplishments of humanity. Innovation at its best!

I worked with extraordinary people and teams who inspire me to this day. Here are some of my own contributions:

On Artificial Intelligence

We're on the brink of building embodied AI -- robots -- superhuman in behavior. A model exists in the brain's perception of movement and the dynamics of the world.

Strong AI will also come from their ability to instantly and seamlessly collaborate.

When we interact with AI, whether a robot or an online entity, we will be sharing autonomy. Exactly how we give up the reins will be critical as we inexorably move forward.

Here's a few essays on AI that align with my thoughts, by people I greatly respect.

Write to me at genechalfant[at]